Resource Risk – The Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change office currently operates with 2 full-time staff and 1 temporary staff to implement the Environmental Master Plan, Community Energy Plan, Corporate Climate Action Plan and the Climate Change Adaptation Plan. The acceleration of climate action will be limited by the resources provided. Administration across the Corporation understands the role their departments play on adapting to climate change and this is shown by the number of adaptation actions currently underway. However, the City has yet to reach this level of engagement for Climate Change Mitigation. Implementing some of the actions for integration into municipal decision making will further support climate action.

Financial Matters:

Capital Requests

This table outlines the estimated costs for the next steps for Priority 1 Mitigation Actions.

Table 3: Priority 1 Mitigation Actions Estimated Next Step Costs

Priority 1 Mitigation Actions

Next Steps


Next Steps



Funding Source

DEER Retrofit*

Business Plan

To be determined as part of future report to Council

Subject to future approvals

District Energy Expansion

Study and Class EA required


Subject to Discussions with WUC and future approvals

Biosolids and

Source Separated



Feasibility Study for managing Biosolids and source separated organics


Project 7161018 - $300,000



Master Plan (Walk

Wheel Windsor)

Implementation of Walk Wheel Windsor

Various projects include Active Transportation within the overall project, see C 205/2019 for details

Various projects, see C205/2019 for details