The Community Energy Plan outlines the goal of having 10% of existing heating and cooling demands within the city being met with district energy. Modern district energy systems typically result in 65% increase in efficiency compared to conventional boilers and furnaces. To meet the CEP goal a drastic expansion of the existing system is required. It is recommended that the city engage with the Windsor Utilities Commission with the aim of retaining consultants to complete a City-wide District Energy Expansion study based on international best practices. This study would identify additional areas outside of the downtown core which would also benefit from District Energy.

The figure below, which is extracted from the CEP, outlines priority areas for DE expansion.


Figure 2 – District energy expansion proposal from the 2017 Community Energy Plan

Biosolids and Source Separated Organics Management

Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a technology commonly used throughout Europe and growing in popularity in North America for converting organic matter into carbon-neutral renewable natural gas. The process can utilize a variety of feedstocks including wastewater sludge, municipally collected organic waste, FOG (fats, oils, greases) as well as agricultural wastes.

By 2025, the City of Windsor is required to have a curb-side organics collection program in place. One method of treating organics is through anaerobic digestion.