Key Highlights:

Other Sewer Surcharge Related Expenses

Other Sewer Surcharge-related expenses are $3,541,151 better than planned. This is mainly due to Capital Expenditures which, in anticipation of the delayed implementation of the 2019 fixed and variable rates, were reduced. This is simply a timing difference applicable solely to 2019 and is entirely offset by the reduced Sewer Surcharge Revenues as noted below. Refunds and General Expenses, as well as EnWin administrative fee, are also better than budget with $484,152 and $187,998 in surpluses, respectively. Sewer Repair and Replacement costs partially offset the above surpluses with ($323,760) deficit.

Sewer Surcharge Revenue

Given the Sewer Surcharge fixed and variable rate changes approved in 2019 were not implemented until May 1st the Sewer Surcharge Revenues collected were ($3,632,173) lower than the full year’s annualized approved budget largely based on the timing of implementation of this change. This represents a (5.2%) variance to the $70.3 million revenue budget. These reduced revenues are entirely offset by the reduction in expenditures as noted above.