Table D: Summary of Transfers to / (from) Reserve Accounts/Funds

Reserve for Fire Education (Account 1755) $13,780.09
Tree Planting Reserve (Account 1756) ($1,692.21)
Municipal Elections Reserve (Account 1762) ($20,958.09)
Class Reserve – Parks & Recreation (Account 1763) $21,016.07
Mapping Reserve (Account 1771) ($13,426.26)
Riverfront Brick Program (Account 1777) $2,468.12
Flood Protection Education Program (Account 1799) $24,791.56
Development Charges Reserves (Funds 114-128) ($56,984.23)
Capital Expenditure Reserve (Fund 160) ($432,295.76)
Building Permit Reserve (Fund 180) $805,485.00
Pollution Control Reserve (Fund 208) $1,018,370.21
City Housing Reserve (Fund 216) $1,040,000.00

City Housing Reserve

The establishment of a City Social Housing Reserve (F216) was created in 2018 to retain 100% City of Windsor funded contributions, for the purpose of funding future Social or Affordable Housing costs. The name of this reserve fund is being changed from the City Social Housing Reserve fund to the City Housing Reserve to more accurately reflect the intent of the reserve.