City approved budget to the City’s Housing Reserve, to be retained and applied as may be required to fund future Social or Affordable Housing costs; and,

THAT Council APPROVE the following housekeeping items and various transfers to/from reserve accounts/funds:

a. $13,780.09 to the Fire Education account (1755) from operating department ID 0191310;

b. $1,692.21 from the Tree Planting Reserve account (1756) to operating department ID 0152710;

c. $20,958.09 from the Municipal Elections reserve account (1762) to operating department ID 0111511;

d. $21,016.07 to the Class – Parks & Recreation reserve account (1763) from operating department ID consisting of annual 1% fee deposits less upgrades for technology development;

e. $13,426.26 from the Mapping reserve account (1771) to operating department ID 0161035;

f. $2,468.12 to the Riverfront Brick Program reserve account (1777) for relevant activities and costs incurred in the installation of bricks along the riverfront, as per CR 29/2009;

g. $24,791.56 to the Flood Protection Education Program reserve account (1799) related to a budget surplus for service line warranty commissions from operating department ID 0161049;

h. $56,984.23 from the Development Charges reserves (Funds 114-128) to operating department ID 0152710;

i. $805,845 to the Building Permit Fee reserve (Fund 180) from operating department ID 0152710;

j. $432,295.76 from the Capital Expenditure reserve (Fund 160) to operating department ID 0280601 for grass cutting and snow removal of vacant properties, and to operating department ID 0125240 for grass cutting and snow removal of transitional properties;

k. $1,018,370.21 to the Pollution Control reserve (Fund 208) resulting from the transfer of funds from the transfer of operations from American Water to Synagro;

l. $1,040,000 to the City Housing reserve (Fund 216) resulting from the Windsor Essex Community Housing Corporation (WECHC) and Housing Services 2019 year end surpluses.