ii. Provided also that no increase of the Contract Price or variation of rate or price, shall be made, unless as soon after the date of the order as is practicable, and in the case of extra or additional work, before the commencement of the work, or as soon thereafter as is practicable, notice shall have been given in writing:

as the case may be,

iii. The Engineer may, if in his opinion it is necessary or desirable, order in writing that any additional substituted work shall be paid for by one or more of the following ways:

iv. Where extra or additional work is to be paid for by method ©, the value shall be determined by the actual cost of:

To which labour and/or materials cost, shall be added fifteen per centum (15%) to cover general expenses, superintendence, use of tools and profit.

v. In the event that the Engineer directs that additional work is to be done, in a location other than that which is shown in the contract drawings, the Contractor shall be requested to submit a quotation for this work. Payment shall then be made in the form of a Change Order.


Where it appears that the quantity of work to be done and/or material to be supplied by the Contractor under a unit price tender item will exceed or be less than the tender quantity, the Contractor shall proceed to do the work and/or supply the material required to complete the tender item and

i. Where it appears that the quantity of work to be done and/or material to be supplied by the Contractor under a unit price tender item will exceed or be less than the tender quantity, the Contractor shall proceed to do the work and/or supply the material required to complete the tender item and