notify the Engineer of any layout work carried out, so that the same may be checked by the Engineer.

iv. The Contractor shall install and maintain substantial alignment markers and secondary benchmarks as may be required for the proper execution of the Work. The Contractor shall supply one copy of alignment and grade sheets to the Engineer.

v. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for alignment, elevations and dimensions of each of all parts of the Work, regardless of whether the Contractor’s layout work has been checked by the Engineer.

vi. All stakes, marks and reference points provided by the Engineer shall be carefully preserved by the Contractor. In the case of their destruction or removal, such stakes, marks and reference points will be replaced by the Contractor at no extra cost to the Corporation.


i. The Contractor shall provide a minimum of two lanes of traffic at all times and shall not close the highway unless permitted by the Engineer. With approval of the Engineer, the Contractor will be permitted to reduce the two lanes to a single 14 foot lane in isolated areas or will be allowed total closure of the highway. When single lane traffic is allowed, the Contractor shall provide competent flagmen at each limit of the restriction. When total closure and detouring is permitted the Contractor shall advise the Traffic Engineering, Fire and Police Departments of the City of Windsor as to the character, duration, etc. of the said detour and comply with their requirements.

ii. The Contractor shall at his own expense, provide, erect, maintain adequate traffic protection signs, barricades, lights, delineators, trench plating, flag persons, etc. in accordance with the requirements of the City of Windsor, to ensure safety to the public and the smooth flow of traffic. He shall designate an employee to be responsible for the traffic, the maintenance of traffic protection devices at night, Sundays and holidays. All barricades on obstructions shall be illuminated at night and all lights shall be kept illuminated from sunset to sunrise. The Contractor shall be responsible for all accidents or expense arising by reason of neglect or failure to comply with this clause.

iii. Traffic Control shall be in conformity with the procedure outlined in the current “Occupational Health and Safety Act, and Regulations for Construction Projects” and the current “Traffic Control Manual for Roadway Work Operations”, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, and as amended. Twenty-four (24) hours prior to