the Contractor from any of his responsibility to execute the contract in a timely way, nor shall such variation cast any responsibility whatsoever, upon either the Engineer or the Corporation.

ix. The Contractor shall note that upon the commencement of any construction item within any designated local area which is construed to be a portion of the general area, it shall be agreed to by the parties to the contract, that any period of more than six (6) consecutive “working days” shall not be allowed to pass without further progress toward the completion of any and all other tender items such as grading of the boulevards, placement of topsoil, sodding, driveway and leadwalk reconstruction.

x. The Contractor shall cooperate at all times with all utility companies and other contractors either working for a utility or the Corporation, while the said utilities or contractors are maintaining, altering or installing new plant. The Contractor shall coordinate the reconstruction work to allow a reasonable length of time for the utility to carry out its work and shall allow free access at all times. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any extra remuneration nor any extension in the time of completion for such cooperation. The Engineer will be the sole judge in the case of all disputes in this regard. In addition, the Contractor shall notify Utility companies for the purpose of adjusting all shut offs and other parts of their plant.

xi. The Contractor shall keep on the work site during its progress a competent supervisor satisfactory to the Engineer for the duration of the contract. The Contractor shall inform the Engineer in writing of the name of such supervisor prior to the commencement of the Contract and if at any time the Engineer shall require such supervisor to be replaced, then the Contractor is to arrange for him to vacate his position and be removed from the site within forty-eight (48) hours after receiving formal notice in writing to replace him with another supervisor. The Engineer shall not be required to give any reason for such removal of supervisor or other worker he may from time to time require.

xii. The supervisor shall not be changed except with the consent of the Engineer unless the supervisor proves to be unsatisfactory to the Contractor and ceases to be in his employ. The supervisor shall represent the Contractor in his absence and directions on matters given to him shall be held to be given to the Contractor. The Contractor shall give efficient supervision to the work using his best skill and attention at all times.

xiii. During the construction of work which the Engineer considers it necessary, the Contractor shall employ on the work a responsible