iii. In the event of an emergency situation or other urgent matter the Engineer or the Superintendent may give a verbal notice, provided that such notice is confirmed in writing.

iv. Any notice permitted or required to be given to the Corporation or the Contractor shall be given in accordance with the notice provision of the Agreement.


i. As soon as in the opinion of the Engineer the Works shall have been “Substantially Performed” or “Deemed Completed” as defined under the Construction Lien Act, have passed any test that may be prescribed by the Contract, and have been accepted in writing by the Engineer as completed and to his satisfaction; the Engineer shall, on receiving an undertaking by the Contractor to finish any outstanding work during the Period of Maintenance, issue the appropriate certificate as provided for under the Construction Lien Act in respect of the Works, and the Period of Maintenance of the Works shall commence from the date of such certificate. Provided that the Engineer may give such a certificate with respect to any part of the Works before the completion of the whole of the Works; subject to such part of the Works having been accepted in writing by the Engineer as completed and to his satisfaction. When any such certificate is given in respect of a part of the Works, such part shall be considered as completed; and the Period of Maintenance of such part shall commence from the date of such Notice.

ii. Following the issuance of the appropriate certificate as provided for under the Construction Lien Act, the Engineer will provide the Contractor with a Letter of Acceptance for Maintenance for the Works confirming the Period of Maintenance and any special conditions related thereto.


i. Only written notice shall be deemed to constitute approval of any work, or other matter in respect of which it is issued, or shall be taken as an admission of the due performance of the Contract, or any part thereof, or of the accuracy of any claim or demand made by the Contractor, or of additional or varied work having been ordered by the Engineer, and no other certificate conclude or prejudice any of the powers of the Engineer.

ii. The Contract shall not be considered as completed, until a Letter Assuming the works shall have been signed by the Engineer stating that the Works have been completed and maintained to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Letter Assuming the Works shall be given by the Engineer upon the expiration of the Period of Maintenance, or as soon thereafter as