after the Final Acceptance Certificate is issued or until all claims have been settled, whichever is longer. The Contractor shall require that Subcontractors employed by the Contractor preserve all original Records pertaining to the Work, Changes in the Work, Extra Work, and claims arising therefrom for a similar period of time.

ii The Contractor and the Engineer shall attempt to reconcile their respective Daily Work Records on a daily basis, to simplify review of the claim, when submitted. If the Contractor and the Engineer fail to reconcile their respective Daily Work Records, then the Contractor shall submit its Daily Work Records as part of its claim, whereby the resolution of the dispute about the Daily Work Records shall not be resolved until there is a resolution of the claim.

iii The keeping of Daily Work Records by the Engineer or the reconciling of such Daily Work Records with those of the Contractor shall not be construed to be acceptance of the claim.

GC 3.21.03 Claims Procedure

i The Contractor shall give verbal notice of any situation that may lead to a claim for additional payment immediately upon becoming aware of the situation.

ii The Contractor shall provide written notice within 7 calendar Days of the commencement of any part of the Work that may be affected by the situation.

iii The Contractor shall submit detailed claims as soon as reasonably possible and in any event no later than 30 Days after completion of the work affected by the situation. The detailed claim shall:

iv Within 30 Days of the receipt of the Contractor's detailed claim, the Engineer may request the Contractor to submit any further and other particulars as the Engineer considers necessary to assess the claim. The Contractor shall submit the requested information within 30 Days of receipt of such request.

v Within 90 Days of receipt of the detailed claim, the Engineer shall advise the Contractor, in writing, of the Engineer's opinion with regard to the validity of the claim.

GC 3.21.04 Negotiations