trades and callings, and the Engineer shall be at liberty to object to, and require the Contractor to remove from the works, who in the opinion of the Engineer misconducts himself, or is incompetent or negligent in the proper performance of his duties; and such persons shall not be again employed upon the works without the permission of the Engineer. This clause does not apply to the provisions of the Occupational Health & Safety Act.


i. Any notice to be given to the Contractor under the terms of the Contract, shall be served by sending the same by post, or leaving the same at the Contractor’s principal place of business, (or in the event of the Contractor being a Company, to or at its registered office).

ii. Any notice, given to the Corporation under the terms of the Contract, shall be served by sending the same by registered mail to the Engineer of the Corporation of the City of Windsor, P. O. Box 1607, City Hall, Windsor, Ontario, N9A 6S1.


i. The Engineer will provide base lines, monuments and bench marks only, as shown on the drawings and as required by the Contractor for establishing line and grade. The Corporation will be responsible only for the correctness of the information provided by the Engineer.

ii. The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least forty-eight (48) hours notice before requiring any setting out of any base lines or bench marks on any portion of the Works and shall state clearly in such notice the exact locality or localities where setting out is required.

iii. The Contractor shall supply, at his own expense, incidental labour and material required by the Engineer for setting base lines and bench marks and shall facilitate such work in every way.

iv. The Contractor will be held responsible for the preservation in their proper position of all bench marks, reference points, iron bars and stakes, and if any of them are disturbed, lost or destroyed after once being given, he shall at once notify the Engineer and the cost incurred in replacing them be borne by the Contractor.


The Engineer, and any person authorized by him, shall at all times have access to the Works and to the Site, and to all workshops and places where work is being prepared, or when materials, manufactured articles