v. The Contractor shall make any changes in Working Drawings which the Engineer may require consistent with the Contract Documents and resubmit unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. When resubmitting, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of any revisions other than those requested by the Engineer.

vi. Work related to the Working Drawings shall not proceed until the Working Drawings have been reviewed by the Engineer.

vii. The Contractor shall keep one set of the reviewed Working Drawings, marked as above, at the site at all times.


i. The Contractor shall, when requested in writing, make alterations in the method, equipment or work force at any time the Engineer considers the Contractor’s actions to be unsafe, or damaging to either the Work or existing facilities or the environment.

ii. The Contractor shall alter the sequence of operations on the Contract, when requested in writing, so as to avoid interference with other work.

iii. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Contractor shall ensure that all necessary safety precautions and protection are maintained throughout the Work.


i. The Contractor shall not assign the Contract, or any part thereof, or any benefit or interest therein, or thereunder, without the written consent of the Corporation.

ii. The Contractor shall, at the request of the Engineer, notify the Engineer in writing of the names of the Sub-Contractors proposed for the principal parts of the Work and for such others as the Engineer may direct and shall not employ any to whom the Engineer may object.

iii. If the Engineer should object or refuse to accept any Sub-Contractor or manufacturer’s product for inclusion in the Work, he shall not be required to give any reason whatsoever for such objection or refusal. Further, neither the Contractor nor the Sub-Contractor nor any other person shall pursue the matter in any way or at any time subsequently after the Engineer’s decision in such matter has been given.