19.3 Notifications

The Contractor shall be required to provide the Engineer with 48 hours notice of the fish transfer operation/activity.

20.0 Protection of Existing Utilities

The Contractors will satisfy themselves as to the location of any public utilities, power or transmission lines, underground cables, etcetera. which may be affected by the doing of any work and will conduct their operation so as to in no way interfere with the same. If in the doing of any work such lines, underground cables, etcetera, are damaged, the Contractor will save the Municipality or Engineer harmless from any cost or damage resulting therefrom.

It will also be the Contractor’s responsibility to get any permits that may be required to carry out the work and also to see that the proper authorities are notified that he is working in the vicinity of any public utility, power or transmission lines, underground cables, etc. All work that is carried out in the vicinity of any of the above shall be carried out in accordance with their specifications or regulations for the same, as if their specifications or regulations formed part of this specification.

Where the Contractor is working on or adjacent to a road, he shall at his own expense, provide for the safe passage and control of traffic by placing, maintaining, changing and removing such barricades, signs, flags, lights (including flashing lights and flagmen), as are required for the proper notification and protection of the public approaching or passing through any part of the work area. All signs, flags, lights, etc. so used shall be in conformance with the provisions of Book 7 of the Ontario Traffic Manual. The Contractor will save harmless the Municipality and the Engineer from any legal actions