As noted previously, we estimate that at a minimum, the boundary of the eddy flow zone would extend from the offshore limit of the Kennette infill to the downstream shoreline at a 20 degree angle. The training jetties have been extended to this limit.

The principal advantage to this strategy is that the works could be undertaken independent of the Kennette infill works. The proposed design would however be subject to the approval of the Essex Region Conservation Authority and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

The principal disadvantages to this strategy are:

ii) Alternative C

This design solution represents a compromised solution, consisting of moderate adjustments to both the Broadway Drain Outlet compared to the original design) and a moderate adjustment to the proposed infill works at the BBA site. The alignment of the new shoreline along the southerly portion of the Kennette infill would be altered from the original design in order to reduce the size of the eddy zone or recirculation zone. The most northerly training jetty would be replaced with shore protection that flanks the BBA property. The southerly training jettie would be extended to the estimated limit of the eddy flow zone. The general design concept is illustrated in Figure 2.

The principal advantages to this strategy are:

Design Summary for Broadway Drain Outlet – January 12, 2016

Gordie Howe International Bridge