SCHEDULE A - SUMMARY OF COMMITMENTS AND INTENDED ACTIONS Gordie Howe International Bridge - Broadway and Healy Drains August 2015

Document/Issue Mitigating Measure/Commitments/Recommendations from EA Implemented(Yes/No) Action SummaryReference Nos. Additions/Exceptions
Fisheries Review Canadian Inspection Plaza - Morrison Hershfield - April 2010
Broadway Drain may potentially be realigned by 375m. A fisheries review including a risk assessment using DFO’s Risk Management Framework will be required to determine whether or not the proposed plaza location will have any negative residual impacts on Broadway Drain fish and fish habitat and thus determining if there is a harmful alteration, disruption, destruction (HADD) of fish habitat. Should compensation be required the use of natural channel design principles in channel realignment to maintain or improve sediment transport and fish passage should be applied in the design of a fisheries compensation plan.

The risk assessment will be performed by a qualified fisheries biologist.
Fish and Fish Habitat Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment Report for Broadway and Healy Drain - Morrison Hersfield - February 1, 2011
The realignment, enclosure or physical harm to watercoursesin the study area. Permanent loss or impacts to fish habitat will require a Fisheries Act Authorization from Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

AS1, AS3
Changes or alterations to water quality and quantity. Best construction practices will be employed to reduce the potential for spillsand materials/equipment from entering water. Yes AS2  
Maintenance, fueling and storage will occur at least 30 m fromwatercourses/drains. Yes AS2  
Debris will be prevented from entering watercourses/drains to the greatestextent possible, and a spill response plan will be developed. Yes AS2 Tender documents will require the Contractor to submit a spill responseplan to the project administrator prior to construction.
A stormwater management plan will be developed and implemented to treatrun-off during operations. Yes AS2, AS5  
Stormwater runoff associated with the Plaza construction will be treated in stormwater management wet ponds designed in accordance to the MOE document “Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual” forEnhanced Protection Level.

Stormwater management ponds will provide quantity storage to control peak flows from the Plaza to pre-development rates.

Ponds are being integrated into the design. A level of quantity control will be achieved, however, it is not intended to control peak flows to predevelopment rates, since there are no warrants for this level of control.
Alterations to baseflow The increases in impervious surfaces and areas of soil compaction will be minimized to facilitate as much infiltration of surface water as possible.

Management of stormwater through the development and implementation of a stormwater management plan will address potential reductions in baseflow.

Methods that encourage infiltration will be investigated. Yes AS6  
Flows in watercourses will be monitored during dewatering activities and measures should be implemented in the event that baseflow is significantlyaffected.

AS3, AS6
Impact of baseflows and the erosion regime within the Broadway Drain cannot be avoided. This is not considered detrimental to the function ofthe new Broadway Drain.