In order to minimize the risk of causing serious harm to fish as a result of the jetty construction, AMICO shall undertake pre-construction and during construction fish salvages. These fish salvages shall be overseen and directed by AMICO’s Fisheries Biologist, Dave Hayman of BioLogic.

Fish Salvage Procedures

In an effort to target and capture fish throughout the water column, seine netting will be utilized. Seine netting will occur from the shoreline (or previous limit of work in the river) and encompass the active work zone immediately prior to placing rock material in the river in an attempt to capture fish which may be present, as well as to help direct fish into open water. This will be performed on a daily basis prior to start of work, as it is anticipated that once rock placement begins, fish are unlikely to re-enter the worksite during active construction. All fish collected will be identified and released downstream of the work area and daily reporting will be completed.

Minnow traps will be utilized for two days prior to the start of construction, as well as throughout the duration of the works. Minnow traps will be set in deeper water areas where seining is not possible. The traps will be baited, anchored and checked on a daily basis. The intention of these traps are to collect any incidental fish which may be at the limits of the work area, as well as to attract fish to deeper water, away from the active construction works. The traps will be located outside of the active work zone and will be incrementally moved out deeper as the works progress. The traps will be checked each morning prior to work start and any fish captured will be released downstream of the work area.

Minnow trap methodology:

• Minnow traps are standard size and are targeted toward smaller bait fish. Traps would be spaced at 15m intervals at the upstream and downstream edges of the work zone;

• A mixture of bait is proposed including dog food, cat food and cheese cubes in each trap;

• The minnow traps will be anchored with concrete blocks. The tether from the surface float will be attached to the block to ensure there is no stress placed on the trap while it is lifted for inspection;

Records and Reporting

The species, number, size, and health of any captured fish will be documented. A salvage report documenting the pre-construction work will be prepared by the Fisheries Biologist. Fish salvage during construction will be reported to WDBA via the Contract Administrator on a weekly basis. DFO will be notified of the capture of aquatic SAR on the day of capture through AMICO. Photo evidence will be provided for any Aquatic SAR that may be encountered.

Records of the reports mentioned above will be maintained indefinitely by AMICO.

Water Quality Protection

The following general mitigation measures will be employed during construction to avoid causing any impacts to water quality in the Detroit River:

• The generation of sediment plumes shall be minimized by the slow and methodical placement of materials;