
Corrugated Pipe

Corrugated pipe slope drains shall be non-perforated, corrugated steel pipe according to OPSS 1801 or polyethylene plastic pipe according OPSS 1840. Pipe diameter shall be as specified in the Contract Documents.


End Sections

End sections for the inlet and outlet of slope drains shall be according to OPSS 1801, regardless of the material type of the pipe used.



Erosion Control Blankets

Erosion control blankets for diversion ditches shall be as specified in OPSS 804.




Operational Constraints


Retention of Riparian Vegetation

The area over which vegetation is removed on site shall affect no more than one third (1/3) of the total woody vegetation in the right-of-way within 30 m of the high water level of any waterbody unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents.

805.07.01.02 Protection of Stockpiled Materials

All stockpiles of erodible construction materials and excess or surplus materials shall be protected from erosion and sediment transport within 48 hours of being built unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents.

805.07.01.03 Dewatering

Dewatering effluent shall be controlled to prevent passage of sediment into waterbodies and other sensitive environmental features as specified in the Contract Documents or onto adjacent properties. Discharge of dewatering effluent to sediment traps for dewatering shall be controlled to avoid exceeding trap capacity and to prevent scour and washout.

Discharge of water from sediment traps for dewatering shall be according to OPSS 518.

When slope drains are specified in the Contract Documents, the slope drain and associated berm barrier shall be constructed in the same day.

805.07.01.05 Turbidity Curtains and Cofferdams

Equipment shall not be operated in a waterbody outside a turbidity curtain or cofferdam other than hand held equipment or boats.

805.07.01.06 Construction and Removal of Measures

The construction and removal times for temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be as specified in the Contract Documents.