b) The downstream plug in the original waterbody channel shall be opened to allow water into the original waterbody channel and water pressure shall be allowed to equalize between the original waterbody channel and the temporary flow control.

c) The upstream plug in the original waterbody channel shall be opened to allow water to flow through both the original waterbody channel and the temporary flow control.

d) A plug shall be installed in the temporary flow control, at the inflow confluence of the original waterbody channel and the temporary flow control, to fully divert the water to flow through the original waterbody channel.

e) A plug shall be installed in the temporary flow control, at the outflow confluence of the temporary flow control and the original waterbody channel, to prevent backflow into the temporary flow control.

f) The isolated temporary flow control shall be dewatered. Removal of a Temporary Flow Control Within a Waterbody

As a minimum, temporary flow control within a waterbody shall be removed according to the following sequential steps:

a) All Work in the Working Area shall be completed and the original waterbody channel, isolated by the temporary flow control, shall be stabilized in accordance with the Contractor’s design prior to returning the flow of water to the original waterbody channel.

b) The downstream plug shall be removed.

c) The upstream plug shall be removed.

d) The temporary flow control shall be removed.

Management of Excess Material

Management of excess material shall be according to the Contract Documents.



Payment at the Contract price for the appropriate tender items that require temporary flow control shall include full compensation for all labour, Equipment, and Material to do the work.

When the Contract contains separate items for work required by this specification, payment shall be at the Contract prices and according to the specifications for such work.