The Contractor shall submit a detailed and comprehensive monitoring plan to the Contract Administrator (CA) that will ensure compliance with the following:
- Contract Specifications ;
- The plan filed under the BSTA to fulfill the requirements of Section 10 of the BSTA; and
- Any relevant environmental legislation, approvals, permits, exemptions, agreements, reports and clearances provided by the Owner or that must be procured by the contractor in order to perform the work.
The monitoring plan shall include:
- Daily inspections shall be conducted by the Contractor to ensure that all prescribed mitigation measures are implemented and functioning as intended. Confirmation will require on site investigations as well as observations of conditions and impacts to offsite areas such as adjacent vegetation communities and local residents.
- Description of key roles and responsibilities for completing monitoring activities, management activities as required based on monitoring results (including involvement of key technical specialists), addressing non-conformances, and for implementing corrective actions;
- Checklists, forms and templates to be completed documenting daily inspections results;
- Detailed qualifications for all identified roles; and
- Reporting procedures.
The following describes the specific monitoring requirements, in addition to those described above, that shall be met by the Contractor:
- During any in-water Work, the Contractor must have a qualified Fisheries Biologist onsite at all times.
- Documentation of the work will be completed on a daily basis by the Fisheries Biologist.
- Monitor surface water quality prior to, during and post Works for standard water quality parameters including, but not limited to: pH, conductivity, temperature, water level / depth, turbidity and metals.
- Parameters will be analysed in the field whenever possible, otherwise samples will be analyzed by a qualified laboratory and include parameters that are relevant to the potential contaminant of concern. Metals cannot be sampled in the field and must be done by a qualified laboratory.
- Compare results to the CCME Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life and the Provincial Water Quality Objectives (PWQO).
During any works in-water or on the banks of the Healy Drain reporting shall be completed to confirm the requirements of this plan are being met. Daily reports must be submitted to WDBA during all in-water work. In addition, daily reports must be provided to the CA on a weekly basis that demonstrate compliance with this plan, photos, field notes and other forms of evidence shall be included in the daily reports. A monthly summary shall summarize the daily reports as well as identify any deficiencies and follow-up actions; this will be provided to the CA and WDBA.