
the drain is within the footprint of the Phase 2 infilling that is being completed as part of Early Works. This infilling is necessary to expedite the settling process on site and prepare the ground for construction associated with the P3.



The portion of Healy Drain that will be infilled consists of upstream from where the proposed PAR crosses Healy Drain, immediately east of the entrance to Brighton Beach Power Limited on Chappus Street. This includes the section along the north side of Chappus Street, then north along the west side of Sandwich Street and finally south down the east side of

Sandwich Street as depicted in Figure 2. These portions of the Healy Drain will be backfilled with Granular B, which is a granular sub-base material which is a mix of sand and stone. The area will then be compacted, and graded as part of the Early Works commitments.


Figure 2: Existing watercourses within the Project limits and the portion of Healy Drain proposed for infilling.



At the downstream limits of the reach of Healy Drain to be infilled, a plug or coffer dam will be installed (material used for this plug will be at the discretion of the contractor but must accord to the requirements of this plan, see Section 5) in order to create a physical barrier between active infilling works and the Detroit River. Erosion and sediment control measures such as, but not limited to, check dams and silt fencing will be placed downstream of the plug to prevent sediment transport to the downstream portion of Healy Drain and ultimately into the Detroit River.