
drawings (Appendix A) will be assumed within this document, however, this distance may be reduced based on the approved in-fill at the Kennett Property. The document titled “Broadway Drain South Jetty Construction Methodology” (August 2016) was prepared by AMICO and details the proposed works, environmental protections and mitigations as well as the construction methodology for the Jetty works. This information has been summarized and can be found in Appendix G.

The drainage channel running north-south parallel to old water Street will be backfilled and graded (see Figure 2). Prior to backfilling, the downstream reach will be isolated from the upstream infilling using coffer dams or similar; the isolation will protect aquatic life that may be present and also prevent impacts further downstream towards the Detroit River.

4.2.1 Offsetting Measures and Restoration Plan

Upon completion of the realignment and channel enhancements, it is proposed that the new channel be intensely landscaped in accordance with commitments that were made during prior planning studies. A summary of the proposed landscaping strategy is provided below:

In addition to the restoration and landscaping elements, offsetting measures will be installed along the drain with the specific purpose of enhancing fish habitat which has been impacted or lost in other areas of the project. These offsetting measures include:

Specific details related to landscaping, restoration and habitat features, including: placement, species, quantities, and additional notes related to installation, establishment and maintenance are included in the Restoration Plan found in the Contract Drawings in Appendix A.

4.2.2 Existing Drain Abandonment

Abandoned portions of the Broadway Drain will be infilled using clean fill sourced from on-site excavation and approved by the engineer, as per the design information. The portion of the existing drain that is south of the proposed drain realignment limits will be left in place. Infill from the south limit of the proposed realignment shall be graded to meet the existing drain at a slope no greater than 3H:1V. For further details, including the location of the abandoned portions of Broadway Drain, refer to the Existing Conditions and Removals sheet found in the Contract Drawings in Appendix A.

Detailed construction staging and methodology can be found in the Contract Drawings in Appendix A. All activities associated with the realignment of Broadway Drain, including but not limited to erosion and sediment control measures will be in

