Revision Log

Revision # Revised By Date Issue / Revision Description
A MH April 14, 2016 Draft 1 Review
B MH April 20, 2016 Finalized Document & Filed with Minister
C MH/Landmark May 6, 2016 DFO Comments Incorporated form April 27, 2016
D MH/Landmark May 6, 2016 Finalized Document & Filed with Minister
E MH August 26, 2016 Plan Amendment to Include Broadway Drain South Jetty Construction Methodology Prepared by Amico August 3, 2016

Report Prepared By:

Grant Nichol, B.Sc., CISEC (MH) Aquatic Resources Discipline Lead

Scott McGill, B.Sc., F.W.T (MH) Fisheries Biologist

Josephine Gilson, B.Sc., R.P. Tech. (MH) Project Manager / Document Controller