
will be in place to ensure that mitigation and compensation measures are effective and working as designed. If any such mitigation and/or compensation measures are found to be deficient or not effective, corrective actions should be taken or additional measures put in place to correct deficiencies. The specific attributes of the monitoring program will be derived during the authorization process. Any alterations to the approved mitigation and/or compensation plans during construction will be forwarded to the agencies, including DFO, for review and approval prior to implementation.

8.0 Summary

This report presents a comprehensive assessment of the effects of the recommended design of the Plaza on fish and fish habitat. The existing conditions information integrates of all the available information. The database of information compiled during the previous planning phases is built on and integrated with the additional information collected during the 2010 field investigation.

This report also documents the process that was conducted to identify and address the potential effects of the recommended design on fish and fish habitat. The anticipated net or residual effects following implementation of these mitigation measures were then identified, forming the basis for the preliminary assessment of the risk of the proposed works to fish and fish habitat at each watercourse crossing, and the associated anticipated need for Fisheries Act authorization.

Enhancement opportunities, which can be integrated into the mitigation design or form the basis for a compensation strategy, where required, are also identified.