
Broadway Drain located within the property limits associated with the project (plaza) contains at least seasonal fish habitat and therefore there is a potential opportunity to undertake enhancement measures such as providing habitat for spawning pike and other species. However, a small gravel berm at its outlet prevents fish passage from the river. By removing this berm and enhancing the channel through deepening, widening and vegetation removals, this area should contain enough water to support Northern Pike (and other species) through the spawning season. The planting of native marsh vegetation will enhance the habitat potential for fish spawning. Deepening and widening the channel will potentially provide longer periods of inundation and removal of the berm will allow for fish to move back and forth between the drain/watercourse and the Detroit River. The total length of channel in which the enhancements will occur is 545 m (Figure 4). With a 2 m wide channel, approximately 1,090 m2 of habitat will be enhanced for pike spawning habitat and other warm water species.