4.2.4 Loss of fish habitat
- The extent of fish habitat affected will be minimized by decreasing the overall footprint where possible.
- Realigned channels will be designed using natural design principles to enhance new habitat over existing habitat.
- Riparian vegetation will be maintained where possible.
4.2.5 Erosion and Sediment Control
An erosion and sediment control (ESC) plan will be developed and implemented to prevent migration of sediment-laden runoff or other deleterious substances from the construction zone to the watercourses. This plan will include inspection and maintenance of the measures until final cover is established. The ESC plan will include but not be limited to the following:
- Perimeter silt fence will be installed between the work areas and all reaches of those watercourses where works are required, including ditch and drainage works that drain to watercourses that support fish habitat.
- Silt fencing will be properly installed and regularly inspected and maintained. It will be left in place and maintained until all surfaces contributing drainage to these watercourses are fully stabilized.
- All exposed and newly constructed surfaces will be stabilized using appropriate means in accordance with the characteristics of the soil material.
- These surfaces will be fully stabilized and re-vegetated as quickly as possible following completion of the works. Contingency procedures, materials and notification procedures will be readily available for use in the event of a silt release, and for general application in regular maintenance and repair.
4.2.6 Fish Protection
- All in-water and near-water activities will be conducted within the applicable in-water construction timing windows, as identified by the MNR, to protect the various life stages of fish.
- The construction timing periods will be applied to all fish-bearing watercourses, as well as watercourses that drain directly to fish-bearing watercourses, based on the thermal classification of the fish community present.
- All hoses drawing water from streams supporting fish use during temporary flow management procedures will be screened to prevent potential entrainment of fish.