1.1 Study Area and Watercourse Crossings Locations
The Inspection Plaza B1 is located adjacent to the Detroit River (Figure 1). The plaza is also within the Brighton Beach Industrial Area, bounded by the Detroit River, Chappus Street, Ojibway Parkway and Broadway Street.
Figure 1. Plaza B1 Location (based on April 2010 draft design)

1.2 Purpose of Report
The purpose of this document is to assess the impacts on fish and fish habitat associated with the construction and operation of the proposed TEPA, which includes Plaza B1. Included in this analysis is a description of the existing fish and fish habitat conditions and sensitivity at both Broadway Drain and Healy Drain. This information along with updated ground-truthing fieldwork in 2010 was then used to further refine the assessment of the residual effects of the proposed works on the two drains affected by the proposed plaza construction, following implementation of the various mitigation measures and potential compensation opportunities. The net effects form the basis for the comprehensive assessment of the risk of the project on fish and fish habitat, which