what would have been achieved by extension of the earth-lined channel through this reach. For this reason, the incremental costs of the higher cost channel design and a proportional amount of engineering costs are assessable to the Bridge Authority. We have calculated this amount, including construction and a proportion of engineering and incidental costs, to be $1,298,404.39.

We have also decided that provision of the wider bridge to service the Windsor Port Authority property provides a special benefit to the property. Accordingly, we have calculated the added cost, including construction and a proportion of engineering and incidental costs, to be $75,799.41, and have assessed this amount to the Windsor Port Authority property.

The total amount of special benefit assessment on this project amounts to $1,374,203.80. The balance of the project costs are properly assessed as benefit and outlet liability.


It is important to note that the primary reason for the drain improvement project was to provide drainage capacity for the new bridge plaza and the perimeter access roadway. A secondary benefit that was derived from the drain improvements was the reduction of flood potential associated with the lands owned by Ontario Hydro, Nemak of Canada Ltd., and Dainty Foods, due to the improved drain capacity. Finally, due to the relatively limitless capacity of the Detroit River to receive stormwater discharges, the drain was improved to provide 1:100 year flood flow capacity. This eliminated the need to provide SWM quantity control at any of the tributary properties. For this reason, it is our judgement that 60% of the balance of project costs are properly assessed as benefit to the tributary properties and respective road authorities – specifically the Bridge Authority and municipal road authority, and the aforementioned properties.

Outlet Liability

We recommend that the remaining project costs be assessed as outlet liability towards the lands that contribute flows to the drain. These lands include all of the lands that lie within the drainage boundary of the Broadway Drain as depicted in the attached drawings.

CR388/2007 and CR64/2015

In accordance with Council Resolution CR388/2007 as amended by CR64/2015, we have assessed the benefit and outlet liability associated with this project against the rateable properties and roads within the watershed, as set out in the Schedule of Assessment below.