status of the Broadway and Healy Drains, and noted how they would be impacted by the pending bridge and bridge plaza construction. A summary of the Drainage Act process was also presented, and some of the known drainage needs within the affected watersheds were highlighted.

It was pointed out that the Broadway Drain would likely be enlarged and realigned as part of the proposed works and that its most upstream portion might be enclosed and abandoned. The likelihood that a significant portion of the Healy Drain would also be abandoned and that some of the lands within its watershed would be diverted to that of the Broadway Drain was also presented. The opportunities that affected property owners would have for appeal through the Drainage Act process were highlighted. At the end of the formal presentation, the meeting was opened up for questions and discussion.

Sandee Hrynyk of Brighton Beach Power Ltd. inquired about the timing of construction and inquired if access to their site would be maintained during construction. Mr. Krutsch responded that construction was expected to begin by the end of August 2015 and that access would be maintained to all adjacent properties throughout construction.

Jeremy Warnock of Dainty Foods Inc. asked if their property would be connected to the new Broadway Drain and indicated that their site had some drainage issues at that time. Mr. Krutsch expressed that the drainage works would significantly improve the drainage outlet for all properties along Broadway Street, which would allow Dainty to undertake future site drainage improvements.

Mazin Mansour and Marco Ricci of Nemak Canada indicated that they had some issues related to their on-site stormwater management ponds. It was noted that valves from the ponds had to be opened and shut manually in order to release and/or hold back flows. Due to the construction of the bridge plaza, it was intended that the ponds be relocated to the southwest corner of the site. Mr. Alain Michaud of Stantec (i.e., the designer of the PAR drainage) indicated that the new ponds would most likely be connected by culverts under the bridge plaza to the Broadway Drain. The specifics regarding how the ponds on the Nemak Canada site would connect to the improved drains had not been finalized at the time of the meeting.

A record of the on-site meeting is provided in Appendix B.

4.0 Field Surveys, Investigations and Related Studies

The preparation of preliminary studies and environmental assessments associated with early planning of the DRIC project included numerous topographic surveys and mapping exercises by others. An electronic copy of the available topographic mapping was obtained from Stantec at the outset of this exercise. Based on the quantity and quality of the information contained therein, we concluded that additional topographic surveys were not necessary for the purposes of carrying out drainage analyses and the design of drainage improvements on the land-based portion of the subject site. An inspection of the subject drains and tributary watersheds was undertaken by Landmark on 13 March 2015 for the purpose of ground-proofing the survey data and confirming the condition of the existing drains.