
Project No.: 14-043

Re: Broadway Drain Improvements - Engineer’s Report

Dear Mayor and Council:

In accordance with Council Resolution #26/2015 of 2 February 2015 and City administration’s subsequent instructions, we have completed our examinations into the improvement of the Broadway Drain and the abandonment of the Healy Drain. The following report addresses the outcome of our examinations, our findings, and our recommendations for improvements to the subject drains.

1.0 Introduction

In response to requests received from Transport Canada, the road authority for the Gordie Howe International Bridge (GHIB), City Council resolved to authorize Landmark Engineers Inc. to prepare a report on the Broadway and Healy Drains under Sections 76, 78 and 84 of the Drainage Act. This was necessary to accommodate the drainage needs of the Canadian Plaza component of the GHIB project, which was formerly known as the Detroit River International Crossing (DRIC).

2.0 Background Information

2.1 Watershed Description

Prior to the acquisition of lands by Transport Canada to accommodate the GHIB, the Broadway Drain watershed consisted mostly of a mix of low-density residential lands and open space, and a small area of industrial lands. The Healy Drain watershed consisted of predominantly industrial lands. We estimate the combined area of the two watersheds to have been approximately 112 ha.