The construction of two new culverts to provide access from the PAR to adjacent properties, and restoration of the drain channel.

As mentioned in the drainage report, Transport Canada (TC) has already completed these improvements to the Broadway Drain. This was completed such that the construction schedule of the Canadian port of entry could be maintained.

In accordance with Section 45 of the Drainage Act, at the City Council meeting in which the Drainage Report is considered, the Drainage Report may be adopted by by-law when such by-law is given two readings by Council. The report shall then be deemed to be adopted and the by-law shall be known as a provisional by-law.

Within 30 days after adoption of the drainage report, City Council shall send a copy of the provisional By-law and Notice of the Court of Revision meeting to all affected landowners listed in the schedule of assessment. The notice shall inform each landowner of their right to appeal their drainage assessment and/or allowances to a Court of Revision. Notice to the City Clerk is required prior to 10 days from the first sitting of the Court of Revision. Following the Court of Revision and the expiration of the appeal period, the by-law may be passed by giving third and final reading of the by-law by Council.

It is noted that none of the affected property owners will be subject to an assessment of costs as the WDBA/TC will bear all costs associated with the Drainage Report.

The primary reason for the drain improvement project was to provide drainage capacity for the new bridge plaza and the perimeter access roadway. A secondary benefit that was derived from the drain improvements was the reduction of flood potential associated with the lands owned by Ontario Hydro, Nemak of Canada Ltd., and Dainty Foods, due to the improved drain capacity.

The drain was improved to provide 1:100 year flood flow capacity. This eliminated the need to provide SWM quantity control at any of the tributary properties. For this reason, it is our judgement that 60% of the balance of project costs are properly assessed as benefit to the tributary properties and respective road authorities specifically the Bridge Authority and municipal road authority, and the aforementioned properties.

A copy of the drainage report entitled, “Broadway Drain Improvements Report – Engineers Report”, dated January 16, 2020 is attached in the appendices.

Risk Analysis:

Associated risks to the Corporation resulting from the abandonment of the Healy Drain and the upper portion of the Broadway Drain are minimal. As stated, storm water drainage facilities will be replaced by municipal storm sewers and an existing storm water management facility. The remnant municipal drain is deemed redundant. Formal abandonment of the drain is recommended. None of these measures will negatively