Item No. 8.6

Council Report: C 73/2019
Subject: Provisional By Law for Repair and Improvements to the Broadway Drain and Abandonment of the Healy Drain - Ward 1
- Date to Council: May 4, 2020
- Author: Joe Dattilo
- Project Administrator
- 519-255-6100 ext. 6825
- Projects & Right-of-Way
- Report Date: 03/09/2020
- Clerk's File #: SW2020
To: Mayor and Members of City Council
- That City Council ADOPT the drainage report completed by Landmark Engineers Inc., dated January 16, 2020 (attached), for the Repair and Improvement of the Broadway and Healy Drains by giving first and second readings to Provisional By-law ____-2020 in accordance with Section 45 of the Ontario Drainage Act.
- That Council DIRECT the City Solicitor to prepare a By-law to abandon the Healy Drain and the upper part of the Broadway Drain as shown on attached Drawing C-3558 under Section 84 of The Drainage Act.
Executive Summary: N/A
The Broadway and Healy Drains are geographically located adjacent to and within lands required to be developed for the new Canadian port of entry at the terminus of the Gordie Howe International Bridge.
Council Resolution CR26/2015, dated February 2, 2015, appointed Landmark Engineers Inc. as the Drainage Engineer pursuant to the Drainage Act to make examination of and prepare a drainage report for the abandonment, repair and improvements to the Broadway and Healy Drains conditional upon there being no costs to the City. On that basis, Administration did not budget or allocate any costs for this work in the capital budget.