4.5.6. Any monies recovered from the debtor subsequent to the write-off will be posted as a bad debt recovery.

4.5.7. The thresholds below permit the write-off of non-collectable accounts receivable balances upon valid authorization. The following positions may authorize the write-off of these balances if, in their opinion, all means of collection have been exhausted. Job titles authorized to write off receivables and limits are listed below. These thresholds, by their very nature, allow the Chief Administrative Officer and/or CFO/City Treasurer the ability to negotiate settlements associated with City of Windsor accounts receivable. City Council – amounts in excess of $150,000 plus any related interest or penalties on a per account basis shall only be written off with Council approval. Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) – amounts up to $150,000 plus any related interest or penalties on a per account basis. Chief Financial Officer (CFO)/City Treasurer or designate – amounts up to $10,000 plus any related interest or penalties on a per account basis.

4.6. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ADJUSTMENTS (including the waiving of interest, late penalties, overdue charges, cancellations and administrative fees)

Services - amounts up to and including $250 per invoice.