Item No. 7.9


Council Report: C 70/2020

Subject: 2019 Year End Risk Management Report - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT Council RECEIVES the report titled 2019 Year End Risk Management Report for information.

Executive Summary:



The primary role of the Risk Management Division is to administer the City’s insurance portfolio, manage loss exposure associated with claims made against the City, and manage recovery of loss to City assets. The Division achieves this by using risk management, legal, and insurance practices.

The purpose of this report is to give Council an overview of Risk Management costs and statistics for 2019 in comparison to prior years.


Claims Review

The Risk Management Division is a division within the Legal department tasked with managing, making payments on, and entering into and/or authorizing settlements on bodily injury, personal injury, property damage, and other types of insurance claims that fall within the City’s insurance deductible.

The Risk Management Division addresses all claims that are submitted to the City. A claim is a demand for compensation by a party alleging fault on the City. Each claim received is investigated, and based on that investigation, an assessment of liability is made. If the investigation reveals that there is no liability exposure, the claim is denied.