Item No. 7.7


Council Report: C 39/2020

Subject: Pay As You Go Transfer (PAYG) for Eligible 2019 Computer Equipment - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT City Council RECEIVE for information this report confirming that $1,418,420 was transferred from the Pay As You Go (PAYG) Leasing Reserve Fund 170 to the operating account Dept. ID 0125413 in 2019 for eligible 2019 computer, server and network related expenses in compliance with the Pay as You Go Plan adopted by City Council in 2002 (B42-2002 and B43-2002) and consistent with the ongoing reporting requirements previously adopted by City Council.

Executive Summary:



In May 2002 City Council passed Resolution B41-2002, which restricted lease financing in favour of a Pay As You Go (PAYG) purchase replacement program for equipment such as computers, vehicles, radios, etc. It also defined PAYG funding sources as those amounts from expired leases.

Resolutions B42-2002 and B43-2002, also passed in May 2002, provided some fundamental guidelines for the PAYG reserve program, including extending the life expectancy of computer equipment and other assets which were previously leased. The Resolutions also provided some start-up funding for the program and an annual operating budget savings resulting from the Pay As You Go program.

Council Resolution CR160/2006 added networking equipment to the PAYG plan and Council Resolution CR175/2006 added servers to the PAYG plan as the relevant leases expired. A portion of that lease funding was transferred to PAYG. Additionally,