Item No. 7.3


Council Report: C 34/2020

Subject: Council Question CQ 26/2019 - Noise By-laws - City wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That City Council RECEIVE the response to CQ 26-2019 for information.

Executive Summary:



On November 18, 2019, Councillor Gignac asked the following question:

CQ 26-2019:

Asks administration to review the recent changes the City of Toronto have made to their Noise By-laws pertaining to excessive vehicle noise and how these could be included in our By-laws.

Assigned to City Solicitor

Asks administration to review the recent changes the City of Toronto have made to their Noise By-laws pertaining to excessive vehicle noise and how those could be included.


The City of Toronto amended its noise by-law effective October 1, 2019.

Immediately prior to the amendment, the by-law’s restrictions for motor vehicle noise prohibited noise from the following acts: