development is positive. O. Reg. 444/19 under the PAWS Act outlines the general standards of care for all animals as below:
Basic standards of care for all animals
3. (1) Every animal must be provided with adequate and appropriate food and water.
(2) Every animal must be provided with adequate and appropriate medical attention.
(3) Every animal must be provided with the care necessary for its general welfare.
(4) Every animal must be transported in a manner that ensures its physical safety and general welfare.
(5) Every animal must be provided with an adequate and appropriate resting and sleeping area.
(6) Every animal must be provided with adequate and appropriate,
(a) space to enable the animal to move naturally and to exercise;
(b) sanitary conditions;
(c) ventilation;
(d) light; and
(e) protection from the elements, including harmful temperatures.
(7) If an animal is confined to a pen or other enclosed structure or area,
(a) the pen or other enclosed structure or area, and any structures or material in it, must be in a state of good repair;
(b) the pen or other enclosed structure or area, and any surfaces, structures and materials in it, must be made of and contain only materials that are,
(i) safe and non-toxic for the animal, and
(ii) of a texture and design that will not bruise, cut or otherwise injure the animal; and
(c) the pen or other enclosed structure or area must not contain one or more other animals that may pose a danger to the animal.
(8) Every animal that is to be killed must be killed by a method that is humane and minimizes the pain and distress to the animal; an animal’s pain and distress are deemed to be minimized if it is killed by a method that produces rapid, irreversible unconsciousness and prompt subsequent death.
Standards of care for dogs that live outdoors