Item No. 7.2

Council Report: C 31/2020
Subject: Animal Welfare - City Wide
- Date to Council: May 4, 2020
- Author: Katherine Donaldson
- Corporate Policy Coordinator
- 519-255-6100 Ext. 6533
- Policy, Gaming, Licensing & By-Law Enforcement
- Report Date: February 18, 2020
- Clerk’s File #: MH/9496
To: Mayor and Members of City Council
THAT Council RECEIVE the following report for information.
Executive Summary:
At the Council Meeting held July 23, 2018, CR385/2018 directed administration to prepare a report for Council’s consideration regarding correspondence from the Chief Inspector of the Ontario Society for the Prevention on Cruelty to Animals regarding Animals left in Vehicles. That correspondence is attached as ‘Appendix A’.
At the January 8, 2018 Council Meeting, Councillor Payne moved for an amendment to by-law 8156 to add additional language regarding time limits on the outdoor tethering of animals during extreme weather events, specifically;
THAT clause (4) (b) (iii) of By Law 8156 being ‘A By-law for prohibiting, regulating and restricting the keeping of animals within the City of Windsor or defined areas thereof’ indicating:
No person shall keep an animal tethered on a rope, chain, cord, or similar restraining device unless: