proposed Parklets and Curbside Cafe Pilot Projects, as the risk of the public being in such close proximity with traffic requires clear separation and barriers.

Financial Matters:

There is no financial impact to the Corporation for the waiver of the above noted sections of City policies.


Special Events Resource Team

Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (Alexander Trillanes, Inspector)

Windsor-Essex County Health Unit


City Council has approved a number of initiatives to assist restaurants and other small businesses during this period of COVID-19 as they prepare for re-opening under strict guidelines including physical distancing. The AGCO has identified changes to its legislation as it relates to licensed patios that also support establishments during this period. The temporary waiver of certain sections of City policies in alignment with the amended provincial legislation can support the businesses and the community in the delivery and enjoyment of these services.

Planning Act Matters:



Name Title
Jan Wilson Corporate Leader – parks, Recreation & Culture and Facilities
Adam Pillon Manager - Right of Way
France Isabelle Tunks Senior Manager Engineering/Deputy City Engineer
Mark Winterton City Engineer
Onorio Colucci Chief Administrative Officer


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