Item No. 11.5


Council Report: C 132/2020

Subject: Waiver of Policies for Small Business/BIA Initiatives - City Wide


To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT in keeping with Council Resolution CR289/2020 to support restaurants and small businesses during COVID-19, and in alignment with recent legislative changes by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for licensed patios, the waiver of the following sections of the Municipal Alcohol Policy and the Sidewalk Cafe Handbook BE APPROVED for the 2020 season:

Municipal Alcohol Policy – Specific Additional Requirements for Outdoor Temporary Liquor Facilities:

1. The tent or outdoor areas shall be properly enclosed by a 4’ chain linked, 2 ½ “ criss-cross metal mesh fence on four sides, installed at least ten (10) feet from the tent.

Sidewalk Cafe Handbook – (CR107/2005)

Section 8.1 - Fence Enclosure Design/Connections

Fence enclosures are mandatory for patios those greater than 5 square meters (55 square feet) and licensed to serve liquor.

However, the waiver of these restrictions does not apply to, nor limit any requirements Council may impose with respect to, Parklets and Curbside Cafe pilot projects, as Council may approve.