Appendix B



  1. Parklet & curbside patio season shall be from May 1st to November 1st
  2. Patios must maintain unobstructed emergency response access at all times
  3. The patio layout must accommodate wheelchairs, must not impede wheelchair access to the related building or to neighbouring buildings or businesses and must comply with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)
  4. If a detoured walkway is built through a parking lane (on a roadway) to accommodate a sidewalk patio, the detoured sidewalk must be the entire width of the parking stall and meet the minimum unobstructed 1.8m (6’-0”) walkway clearance for pedestrians.
  5. Parklet & curbside (detoured walkways) are only permitted along the applicant’s building frontage
  6. Parklet shall not block any stormwater drainage and flow of water on the street
  7. Businesses may serve liquor in parklet/curbside patios if they hold a valid liquor license
  8. Retro-reflective marking tape is required along curb line adjacent to platform.
  9. The applicant is responsible for maintaining the perimeter and underside of the patio free from any garbage or debris for the duration of the permit
  10. Building Permit may be required in addition to a Right-of-Way permit to ensure compliance
  11. Administration will review the garbage/recycling collection on a per case basis.



  1. Traffic Plan in accordance with OTM Book 7 shall be required for the setup and takedown of any structures or materials within the parking stall (barricades, barrels, pylons, signs, erection, monitoring and removal is the sole responsibility of the BIA/business owner)
  3. Length - No more than 12m (39’-4”) continuous along any street block
  4. - 1m buffers on either end (bumper blocks may be required for patron safety)
  5. Width – Platform should maximize the width of the parking stall, maintaining 0.3m (1’-0”) buffer between the outer edge of patio and edge of adjacent travel lane
  6. Platform must be level with the sidewalk with a maximum cross slope of 2% & maximum running slope of 4%
  7. Object marker signs (Wa-33L or Wa-33R) is required in accordance with OTM Book 6 and shall be outlined on the drawing and affixed to the outside corner of the patio facing oncoming traffic.
  8. Structure must be free standing and not fastened to the road, sidewalk or boulevard
  9. Vertical separation from any object shall be 2.1m (6’-11”) and elements (i.e. umbrellas) within the patio shall maintain 0.6m clearance from any limits of the patio enclosure



  1. Patio heaters are permitted as per the Sidewalk Cafe Handbook.
  2. Propane cylinders cannot be stored indoors.
  3. No open flames permitted on parklets/curbside patios


  1. A lighting plan must be submitted, complete with product information sheets if any temporary lighting is required
  2. Temporary fixtures shall not be mounted within the right-of-way or road
  3. No power cables across pedestrian walkways
  4. Must avoid casting glare onto adjacent roadway and properties
  5. May not be affixed to City owned infrastructure