supplier and no reasonable alternative exists and City's ability to protect human life. The CPPC intends to adhere to all current existing trade agreements.


It is recommended that the CPPC make all reasonable efforts to observe the spirit of the Purchasing Bylaw in carrying out its purchases. Purchases of $50,000 or less could be approved by the Logistics Section Chief for the Community Control Group's Pandemic Response regardless of whether funds exist within the Council-approved operating of capital budgets and all purchases above $50,000 to $100,000 per transaction or less would require the approval of the CPPC and the CAO. All purchases over $100,000 would be subject to the Purchasing Bylaw 93-012, as amended from time to time and be handled by the City's Purchasing Department in conjunction with the responsible team members.

Risk Analysis:

Should Council not approve the waiver to the By-law, there will be a significant risk in terms of the time required to make each purchase. As noted in the discussion section, if this waiver is not approved, Administration will be required to seek Council approval prior to all purchases for cleaning supplies, PPE and facility alterations as they relate to COVID-19. This would put the City and affiliates at risk because the deliverables being in short supply due to market conditions, including geographic limitations couldn't be acted on in real-time. Additionally, the current method of purchasing could interfere with the City's ability to maintain security or order, or to protect human life.

The risk to allow Administration and the CAO to approve purchases under $100,000 is low. The risk is greater should Administration, through the CPPC, not be granted this authority as it would not be possible to actively negotiate the best prices or take advantage of any stock as it becomes available. Should unsafe work conditions be present due to a lack of products or PPE, shutting down these areas could have major financial implications.

Financial Matters:

Funding for supplies specific to pandemics are not included in the approved operating and capital budgets. Given the significant variables associated with this pandemic, it is extremely difficult to estimate the cost of the procurements that will be purchased under this plan. This report seeks to develop a robust centralized procurement process with appropriate approval controls in place in order to enable for a timely and effective response to essential procurement requirements. Administration is continuing to track these items and will present regular updates on these COVID 19 additional costs, along with other COVID 19 related financial impacts and possible mitigating measures to council for consideration.
