
The principals (Nicole and Jason Sekela) of the registered owner (1433341 Ontario Inc.) of the two storey commercial building located at 3236 to 3238 Sandwich Street (See Appendix A for location map) applied under the Sandwich Incentive Program(s), to make improvements to the exterior facade(s) of the commercial establishment. The property is designated under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act as it is within the Sandwich Heritage Conservation District (HCD). It is identified on the Windsor Municipal Heritage Register as the McKee Block built in 1921, but is commonly known as the Rock Bottom Bar & Grill. The property is also within the Olde Sandwich Towne Community Improvement Plan (Sandwich CIP) area and is eligible for grants under the economic incentive program under this CIP.

In keeping with the development review process put in place for development in Sandwich Town the applicant was required to submit a Heritage Alteration Permit (HAP) (See Appendix B), before a Building Permit was issued, to ensure that the development addresses the policies of the Sandwich HCD and Sandwich CIP Urban Design Guidelines.

One of the general requirements of Section 10.3 q) of the Sandwich CIP requires that approval of any application for the financial incentive program is based on the compatibility of the proposed use with the vision and goals of the CIP, the Sandwich Community Planning Study (CPS), and the Olde Sandwich Towne Supplemental Development and Urban Design Guidelines (Sandwich Urban Design Guidelines) and any other guidelines applicable to the CIP area. In this case the development is within the Sandwich HCD therefore the design guidelines in the HCD would be considered as “other applicable guidelines”. The following identifies how this particular development addresses section 10.3 (q) of the City’s Official Plan.