S 67/2020 Z-003/20 ZNG/6045

ENBRIDGE GAS – Sandro Aversa, March 11, 2020

After reviewing the provided drawing for 955 California Ave, and consulting our mapping system, please note that Enbridge Gas has active infrastructure in the proposed area. See the drawing on the next page for reference.

1. The shown piping locations are approximate and for information purposes only

2. The drawings are not to scale

3. This drawing does not replace field locates. Please contact Ontario One Call for onsite locates prior to excavating, digging, etc

Enbridge Gas requires a minimum separation of 0.3m from all of our plant. Please ensure that this minimum separation requirement is maintained, and that the contractor obtains locates prior to performing any work and utilizes safe excavation practices while performing any work in the vicinity.

Also, please note the following should you find any abandoned infrastructure in the area:

· Any pipe that is excavated, please assume that it is live

· If during the course of any job, any pipe is found that is not on the locate sheet and is in conflict with your work, please call our emergency number (1-877-969-0999), and one of our Union Gas representatives will respond to determine if that plant is in fact live or dead

· Please note that our Enbridge Gas representative will respond to the live or dead call within 1-4 hours, so please plan your work accordingly

Please contact me if you have any further questions or concerns.

Drafter / Estimator,Construction & Growth Sandro Aversa C.E.T.

Enbridge Gas - TEL 519-250-2200 Ext 5296711
