Clause a) in the proposed Site Specific Exception increases the maximum lot coverage to 50%.

The Planning Department has been standardizing zoning provisions such as maximum lot coverage, maximum building height, minimum front yard depth and minimum rear yard depth across several RD1 and RD2 zoning districts, to allow development that makes more efficient use of the lot area and that creates a consistent built form. Some side yard width provisions have also been standardized, usually to a minimum width of 1.20 m, however, variations in required side yard widths persist. The request to reduce the minimum side yard width from 1.80 m to 1.20 m will have no adverse impact on the proposed development or adjacent uses and represents an efficient use of land.

Clause b) in the proposed Site Specific Exception allows a minimum side yard width of 1.20 m.

Lot width and lot area are indirectly based on the number dwelling units – a wider lot and more area will accommodate more dwelling units and accommodate required parking spaces. The existing lot width is 20 m and lot area is 700 m2, which is adequate to accommodate a multiple dwelling with six dwelling units. By way of comparison, based on the current lot width and lot area, the existing the RD1.3 zoning would permit two single unit dwellings with the Additional Dwelling Unit (formerly Second Unit) provisions permitting an additional two units per dwelling unit, for a total of six dwelling units.

Clause c) in the proposed Site Specific Exception allows a maximum of six dwelling units for a multiple dwelling.

Six parking spaces are proposed in the rear yard with access from the open north-south alley. Section 24.26.5 prohibits front yard parking for a multiple dwelling. The applicant proposes to utilize the existing driveway on California to provide two front yard parking spaces. The existing paved area along California will be reduced in area.

Clause d) in the site specific exception permit a maximum of two front yard parking spaces and that the front yard paving provisions apply for a multiple dwelling. Clause e) clarifies that the Parking Area provisions in Section 25 do not apply to the front yard parking spaces. Clause f) reduces the minimum separation between the building wall and the rear parking area. This is partially because the adjacent alley has a width of only 4.5 m (15 feet) and Section requires a minimum parking aisle width of 6.0 m. Section 25.5.50 allows a parking aisle (an aisle that provides access to parking spaces) to be located with an alley. The 1.5 m difference in width shall be made up on the subject parcel. The reduction in parking area separation allows for proper access to the parking spaces.

The development as proposed is subject to site plan control. Any specific design issues or requirements from municipal departments or external agencies will be considered during site plan control.

Risk Analysis: