Development & Heritage Standing Committee May 11, 2020 Written submission

From: n firas Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 12:50 PM To: clerks <>

Subject: zoning by-law 8600

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Good morning;

We received a letter of notice attached below ( file # ZNG/6044 Z-002/20),

We oppose this plan for the following:

- It would create a heavy traffic in this part of California ave. . This avenue is already narrow enough to prevent fluent passage of vehicles in both directions .

- Another concern is about the parking spots on the street in case all units are occupied with too many families and car owners in a small area not enough distance from our place. This might necessitate parking in front of our property whether on the same side or the opposite side making the area packed with vehicles and congested traffic.

The above factors would impact the value of our property.

For your kind attention,

Thank you,

Ramsey Kasey, Nadine Kasey 1032/ owners