S 66/2020 Z-002/20 ZNG/6044


Pursuant to the application for a zoning amendment (Z 002/20) to permit a Double Duplex Dwelling as an additional permitted use with five parking spaces in the rear yard with access from the alley and two parking spaces in the front yard, with reduced lot widths and side yard requirements on the subject, please note no objections.

Please also note the following comments:

Zoning Provisions for Parking Setback:

The proposed rezoning indicates two additional parking spaces in the front yard with reduced side yard and lot width requirements but does not request any variance for Front Yard Paving and Surfacing in Residential Districts as per 24.28. Though the reduced widths and the need for additional parking are supported, the Landscape Architect will not support any further reduction in front yard landscaped open space for any additional request to allow Front Yard Paving and Surfacing greater than the proscribed 50% maximum as found in the Zoning By-law 8600 clause

Tree Preservation:

Per pre-consultation PS 007/20, the proposed development would be subject to Site Plan Review. The site has several mature trees which will be impacted or removed by any development. Required for Site Plan review is a tree (natural features) survey and preservation plan identifying species, location, and condition of all trees on the subject lands.

Climate Change and Environmental Design:

The proposed intensification of the site will increase the urban heat island effect with the additional requested paving for a residential area, as well as the loss of several well-established trees to accommodate the development. Aside from the landscape standards outlined in the City of Windsor’s Landscape Manual for Development (4th edition), the applicant is to provide compensation for the urban canopy loss based on the total caliper of tree loss. Mitigation can be through Z 002-20 Landscape Comments (Mar 13-2020) Page 2 of 2 additional tree plantings on the site, or cash-in-lieu to be used for tree plantings elsewhere on municipal property in the City of Windsor to the satisfaction of the City Planner and City Forester.

Parkland Dedication:

There are no parkland implications beyond the usual requirement for cash-in-lieu of as per the Planning Act Section 42 (1) at a rate of 2% for Commercial and Industrial uses and 5% for all other uses. As per the Planning Act Section 42 (6), Payment in the form of cash-in-lieu may be acceptable where land is not required by the City for parks or other recreational purposes (i.e. public greenspace, bikeways, trails, streetscape development etc.) to be determined at the time of issuance of a permit by the Building Department.

Detailed landscape requirements will be provided at the time of site plan review.