Development & Heritage Standing Committee May 11, 2020 Written submission

From: Vera Colucci Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2020 5:55 PM To: clerks <> Subject: Zoning By-Law 8600 File# ZNG/6011 Z-001/20

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Dear Sirs/Madams,

I am writing in regards to 930 Marion Ave and the proposed development of 930 Marion.

I live at 983 Marion Ave. I am strongly opposed to the consideration of adding a third story to the existing building. This is a residential neighbourhood and such a large structure is undesirable for the visual look and of the feel of our community on this street. Our road is not very wide and an additional floor would loom large over the street and the houses across the street and even for the houses behind it would cut out light. Also by increasing the population of residents in that structure in a neighbourhood which is constantly dealing with lack of street parking is unacceptable. This additional floor will devalue our homes as well which is also unacceptable.

My hope is that it will be a nursing home as there is such a lack of beds for the elderly in this city. We already have a Retirement Home nearby so another one is not needed. As far as lodging???...not sure what that means, but if made into residential apartments my hope is that it would be mixed rental for the general public mixed with low income housing. I feel this is the best way to integrate all of the needs of the city.

Thank you for your time.

Vera Colucci