Development & Heritage Standing Committee May 11, 2020 Written submission

From: Kathleen Bailey Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2020 12:47 PM To: clerks <> Subject: Rezoning of 930 Marion

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I missed the letter my neighbours got but I was told someone wants to rezone 930 Marion from Institutional to Residential.

I am against that. One more house would be one thing but a large building full of tenants would not be good for our neighbourhood.

I already have issues keeping my parking space as we are parking on the road. With lots of extra people, there would forever be people trying to find an extra parking space on the roads nearby, taking our spots every time we move.

There would be tons more people sharing the neighbourhood, lots more traffic. My kids play in the front yard and I don’t want them to be in danger of cars constantly using the roads (we are on Niagara, across from the buildings side).

It has worked well as a institutional building and I’d rather anything but a residential lot with tons of people.

I hope you will take this into consideration

Kathleen Garber

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