Development & Heritage Standing Committee May 11, 2020 Written submission

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Good afternoon Simona.

I am a concerned resident in very close proximity to the property at 930 Marion. I am contacting you because I would like more information on my appeal rights on the matter of the rezoning of the above mentioned property. The term " lodging house " in the proposed amendment has me quite nervous . I would not like it turned into another " hang out " ie new downtown mission , for the already over abundance of vagrants we have in the area caused by the street help center (hang out) located only blocks away from the property under review. Sorry to seem so harsh but having lived and worked in the area for over 20 years I have noticed a downward spiral in this neighborhood since the inclusion of the center and would not like it to get even worst with the wrong investment on this property. In closing is there any way of knowing who the applicant would be for this property what the intent of the property is or is this information kept tight lipped until construction would begin . Thank you for your time with in this regard .

Sincerly, Conrad LaRue