applicant proposes to re-purpose the site for residential purposes using the existing 2,272 sqm (2 storey) vacant building.

Three residential concepts are being considered as options and include the following:

1. A 3 storey Senior Retirement Home (81 units, 67 parking spaces)

2. A 3 storey Lodging Facility (81 units, 67 parking spaces)

3. A 2 storey Residential Apartment (40 units, 67 parking spaces)

All concepts propose the re-use of the existing building, style and layout. Options 1 and 2 propose a third storey to the existing building. As shown in the three concepts attached, the existing trees will be retained.


The Planning Act requires that a decision of Council in respect of the exercise of any authority that affects a planning matter, “shall be consistent with” Provincial Policy Statement 2020 (PPS) and in conformity with the policies of the City of Windsor Official Plan (OP) 2012.


Applicable PPS sections can be found in detail in the Appendix B: Excerpts from PPS of this report.

The PPS provides policy direction for appropriate development. This policy direction takes into consideration efficient use of land and resources, accommodating an appropriate mix of residential uses. The PPS recognizes that land use must be managed to meet the full range of current and future needs, while protecting public safety and natural environment.

The proposed dwelling units contribute to the building of a strong healthy community as per policy 1.1.1 (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, and i) of PPS. The proposed amendment is consistent with the PPS as follows:

The subject building is existing and fully connected to municipal services. 

The proposed multi-unit housing promotes intensification, minimizes land  consumption, reduces servicing costs, and optimizes transit investment.

The accessibility of the proposed units will be established in compliance with  Ontario Building Code (OBC) for all residential units.

There are no known negative impacts on natural environment. The proposed  increased density contributes to the local preparedness for impacts of a changing climate.